Thursday, January 15, 2009

No baby, no cry...

Well, naptime today was almost too easy.  We had had a pretty full morning and even visitors for lunch, so he must've been pooped.  Mission accomplished!   Right around 12:45 I let him start watching a Youtube Elmo video and right around when Luis starts trying to get Elmo to take a nap, Anderson started milling around and so I paused the video, offered him his blanket and sippy of milk and got Just in Case You Ever Wonder out.  Instead of reading him every line, I just started naming the objects, especially the body parts  and pointing.  Before I was even done with the book, his eyes were closed!  I finished, wondered if I should still sing and decided that he was probably asleep anyway and would miss it or that I should at least try to lay him down before he's all the way asleep.  Well, I'm pretty sure he must've been all the way asleep cause there was zero protest.  I did feed him both a banana and milk and I think they're both that works!  We'll see how long he sleeps and how bedtime goes!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

1 comment:

The Dunks said...

I feel your pain. We're having to wean Adriel right now. Every night that she cries, I cry too. Actually we started last week and she's not really crying any more but, it was sooooo sad!