Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Um, yeah, hi. My wife just ran over a boulder..." That was the beginning of Jesse's conversation with the Sears guy yesterday.

It was true. So very, very true. I went running at Lake Fayetteville after inhaling way too much Walgreen's 50% off Easter candy (1 chocolate covered marshmallow egg, 1 caramel cadbury egg, and an entire 5-pack of Vanilla Creme filled hershey's kisses...[which by the way, were the best of the three entrees, and i should have just been happy with those alone],not to mention all the mini cadbury eggs I'd had before even leaving home. the old fashioned chocolatey, canned milk tasting ones. I really really like them. Confession time is over now.) And when I got done I had about 15 minutes to get the car back to Jesse so he could get to class on time. So, as I was backing out of a parking lot, I didn't look over my shoulder. For the boulder. The air literally hissed out of my tire immediately and I could pull neither forward nor backward. This is starting to sound very dr seussian...

Our friend Steve went all the way from Springdale to pick up Jesse in Fayetteville and bring him to me. And then Jesse changed the tire without a single reprimand or complaint. I showed Anderson the daffodils. I wished for an upclose picture of his hands reaching out for them. I know he just does that to everything right now, no matter if its my chin, a cup of coffee, or the cell phone (especially the cell phone)--he isn't selective, he just wants it and then he just wants to taste it.

Spring is gorgeous here. Today we took the jogging stroller outside for the first time, he and I. It was very windy and I had to jog backwards some, so as not to blast him. He promptly fell asleep and missed all the scenery, but again, I wished for a camera. Overhead snowballs that will soon become "Just Trees" and tons and tons of Forsythia, Hydrangea, and Daffodils of course... I noticed mostly purple and yellow and wondered if there's something significant or scientific about those two colors being the most prominent ones of our Arkansas Spring. Is it the same everywhere else? It made me think of Gold and Purple and how they point to Royalty, the message of Easter, the message of a King.

1 comment:

Sara Neufeld said...

Oh bummer. I'm glad you have such a sweet husband! It was good to see you saturday. :)