Friday, March 14, 2008

I disabled the paragraph function on this blog. You will now be subjected to how things actually sound in my head.

What exactly is the point of a blog? A card catalog comes to mind. This antiquated piece of furniture with a million cards with a million headings all leading to different chapters of information contained in one building. "We read in order to find we are not alone."-C. S. Lewis
It was in red, laminated letters above the chalk board at the front of the room in my favorite high school English teacher's class. So simple, so true. I think my blogs are more like the back issues of my brain--things I should maybe throw away but might want to look at again someday, or better yet, someone else might! Probably this metaphor springs from my friend Beth's idea of having a magazine swap. I think it's a lovely idea, as we are needing to downsize considerably. Magazines, books, and dishes are the two things we seem to allow ourselves to accumulate incessantly. There would be room for neither in the home we are considering moving to for a year. It is a community-living situation which would be amazing in some aspects--its out in the country, on a farm, basically. Goats, cows, horses, doggies--you name the See & Say Character, it will probably answer you with its respective sound. It isn't by any means decided upon, just something we need everyone to pray for the right thing to happen for all involved. Wow. I'm becoming more and more like my husband every day. I just got really annoyed at him the other day for breaking this news to Josh & Meghan first thing after they got here. I explained how I felt it made things that were a really big deal seem a little anti-climactic for me and he explained how he just really hates drama. So I get it. And apparently, it's getting me...
I went for a jog today. I piece together blogs in my head on most jogs and thought I should rename my blog "Blog & Jog." Jogging is the one time of my day I get away from (usually) everyone and can "think a thought" as my friend Beth would say. Anne made it possible for me to go. I called her up out of the blue and asked if I could drop off Anderson while I ran (she's usually my running buddy, so she knows how much i love/need it). I came back to her holding him on her hip and talking on the phone--he as calm as a duck on a pond. I was going to say as calm as a pond. But I really didn't want to compare my baby to a pond. Anyway, she takes me into the living room and showed me how she entertained him the whole time--she had put a fuzzy blanket down and draped four of her pretty scarves onto the blades of the ceiling fan and turned it on. I wanted so badly to take a picture, as it would illustrate nicely the kind of girl she is. These were nice scarves, probably some of her favorites. Anne is like this hidden jewel of a person who I'd never expect to find in Fayetteville--just not stereotypical in any way, is what I mean. I often wonder how I am so lucky to know the people I know--it's like God just hits the stumbleupon button in their lives and they get NOT a real website there, at least I'm not clicking on it! Anyway, I do have a plethora of gorgeous, intelligent, GIVING friends and often I wonder what I could possibly do to bless them. This actually brings up another subject that I started thinking about again...Beauty School. If I went to the one in West Siloam, it would actually be called Beauty College. I can't wait to post a picture of the sign. It conveys so much more than I could with words. Although I guess it consists of words. Anyway. Before I thought about the Mary Kay thing, I thought the one way to keep in contact with lots of different types of people would be to cut their hair. Everyone talks to their hairstylist, whether they're friends or not. How much cooler if you were friends already? Plus its something you could do practically in your house. I think technically you need a little building that can get inspected or something. But that would totally be something to do with a baby or even a little family of homeschooled children. (Plus, I'm already dying to cut my hair again, and it would probably be good if I learned the tricks of cutting it without it growing back in two weeks. Anyway. So, as I was saying, I went on a jog today. So pretty. Chirps and squirrels and everything budding. It looked like English Countryside, maybe. All dark green grass and foggy. My husband says there's no such thing as English Countryside. "That's Ireland," he says. I observed several people are celebrating St. Patrick's Day with little door hangings, lawn rocks, etc...I didn't know anyone really celebrated it any other way than drinking beer. And so I don't celebrate it, because I Don't Drink Beer. Catalina and Lay and me and Jesse are gonna go fishing someday . That's all. It's Friday!!! It's Sunny!!! And there's a couch in our front yard. I should at least push it to the back yard, maybe? I got an idea while in the shower know how there's a freecycle? I was thinking there should be a 'favor-trade' website. Like, I could get someone to watch Anderson and then in return, I could clean their microwave or something. I'm really good at cleaning microwaves, and I know nobody really likes that job. I guess it's something you'd only do with friends, though, so maybe it could be a private website in which you had to have an invitation to join. And maybe that stuff is supposed to be a little more organic and spontaneous, not like going shopping? Any thoughts?

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