Sunday, December 12, 2010

So much to say, So much to say.

Today had a lot of people in it.
Squishy Berea, happy to be grabbed and held first thing in the morning. Eager to run with me Natalie. Helpful Jesse. Ray who cried a little bit when he tried to tell me how much Linda loves me. Linda. Dressed up, sweet, kind woman who said I looked pretty. And all those amazing faces at the Women's brunch. Lara Macfarlan, with the articulation of a Senator's wife, for sure. And Vicky Dees. Vicky Dees. Vicky Dees. 250,000 have visited her blog already and you should find out why. Denise Cerda, my super-sweet, super-young friend from Wal-Mart. Oh, before that, Amanda from Amandromeda.
Also, I had two coats with me at once today while hanging out with myself. What is THAT about?
Then lots of people I checked out at Walmart. Then Renee...who I'm pretty sure just escaped a Flannery O'Connor short story. I can't tell you her stories, but those are the ones that really filled me up. I am exhausted, but I just wanted you to know I have stories and they're so good. Everyone around has better stories than they think.
Also, I think Christmas was a bit more private, when it actually happened, with Baby Jesus and all, than it is now...everyone talking about what they got and who they got it for...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I love that last part. The first Real Christmas was certainly different than "this" Christmas. I've been feeling that a lot this season. Just trying to put myself back to what it was really like. Doesn't exude the spirit that everyone tries to put on. I heard a sermon over the holiday that talked of the darkness that Christ was born genocide, stinky barn with poop, covert wise men. And then the light that His birth was. A tiny baby arriving in a world full of clueless-ness and he would be the most important event to ever happen. Its still like that. Christmas is all wrapped up in red and green, bells and glitter, gifts and music. Meanwhile Christ is still tiny and ignored in our focus. I tried really hard this year not to let that be and I can tell you that it was one of the most depressing Christmases I've had. And I still can't figure that out. There is now for me an inseparable link between the birth and his death. We know with 20/20 hindsight what his crucifiction was like and while it brings joy that He is our salvation, that joy is accompanied by complete humility and sadness that I still sin. Like when someone loves you wholly and you see where you do not or cannot or at least have not been behaving like it (i.e. marriage). Its beautiful and heart-breaking at the same time.

Missed seeing you when we were down. I really want to see you in March! Lets make it happen! ;)