Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year. New Name. So There.

I want to be a better blogger. Donald Miller says you have to want something to make a better story. So I want something that will tell my better story, better, and hopefully that will make a better story in the end...

My friend Sara Neufeld is the best blogger. It's because all her blogs contain at least one simple story from her actual life. And she always includes a picture.

My mom and I went to Jay, OK last Tuesday. I usually hate that drive, but the gray, expanse of poverty that is Eastern Oklahoma, was finally bearable with her there, telling me stories of her life and the people in her life that are somehow in my life now. She is a really great story teller. One of her stories was about my biological half sister Sara and half brother Shane. (I hadn't seen my mom in 28 years and had no memory of her at all...she found my aunt on Facebook the day after my 31st birthday...the rest is too much for parenthesis).

So, back to the story within the story within the blog.

Shane was around 9, she said, and was at the store to spend some birthday money. He, being a very intentional 9-year old was deliberating over which toy to buy: something big or several somethings small...and, after about 5 minutes of waiting for her brother to walk in a direction, Sara plops down in the aisle, takes out 5 of her brother's Hot Wheels from her little girl purse and plays. Wish I had a picture for that.

But, I do have a picture of my Mother playing with my daughter in the Jay McDonald's.

We both ordered regular coffees, since the Espresso machine was being cleaned (happens between 2-3pm, if you're ever in Jay!). I like 4 creamers, 4 Splendas. She opted for 3 creamers, and only 1 Splenda, just to give it a try. And cookies! McDonald's has cookies now!


Sara Neufeld said... many thoughts and so many questions.
first, thank you for the sweet words about my blogging. you are a dear.
second, wow you look like her.
third, i still have more questions...i guess i just need to call you and ask.
fourth, i love you sister friend.

Kelli said...

I'm in total agreement with Sara. So many questions. I had no idea you had been in contact with your mom, and now in a relationship with her. That is so-so amazing. And now you have a brother and sister too!

Yes, you look so much like your mother and Berea looks so much like both of you (a total cutie - I've not seen many pics of her).

I'd love to make a better blog of It's been put on the shelf for far too long. A great idea to post little stories of life. A picture everyday would be a greater challenge for me but perhaps something to shoot for??

I've heard of those McDonalds cookies. Who was telling me about them??? I think Nathan's mom. She is addicted to their sweet tea and perhaps now their cookies. :)